Search for "Sherwood Oregon" at
www.thisisnottingham.co.uk and see what happens. The British are writing articles about us. The person called "Leslie Rhodes" in the article is really
Leslie Joyce, daughter of the editor of the late lamented
Sherwood Scroll newspaper. Here she is seen during a recent visit to Nottingham, with
Major Oak in the background.
Hmmm...Major Oak looks like a CMT to me...(Culturally Modified Tree, that is...)
Could be. Maybe if we got a clone of Major Oak, the way Leslie wants Sherwood to do, and we sat back and watched it grow for 900 years... we could see what shape it takes without being culturally modified.
Don't we have a person in Sherwood with some of the offspring of that tree? Why don't we plant one at the Smock House?
The man's name is Paul Lukas. He's been trying for years to donate two trees that are descended from Major Oak. (Leslie's talking about clones of the tree itself.)
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