The Robin Hood Festival float and its crew never looked more splendid than today in the
July 4th Parade in Hillsboro. Alas, this year (unlike previous years) we didn't win any ribbons. Most obvious reason: We failed to explain the connection between Robin Hood and George Washington.
Friar Tuck did his best. Several times along the parade route he shouted "Robin Hood was George Washington's hero. He was Benjamin Franklin's hero! They had heroes too!" ...but most of the crowd couldn't get it. There truly is an important message to get out there.
Next year.
I thought we were there to advertise the Robin Hood Festival. I didn't know we had to connect or relate in any way...
And that's exactly what we did. We advertised the Robin Hood Festival without connecting with the judges. It's too bad the crowd didn't vote. Their reaction was pretty enthusiastic.
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