September 15, 2010-- Wednesday Evening at 7:00PM at the Tualatin Public Library: Rick Thompson, incoming president of the Lower Columbia Chapter, Ice Age Floods Institute, will speak on the effects of the cataclysmic floods on NW Oregon and SW Washington. Here is a chance to learn first hand from an expert what we need to know about the Missoula-Ice Age Floods thousands of years ago and their impact on today's land use decisions, open space, building, flood waters, channels and your own back yard
This program is a first time partnership between the Tualatin Historical Society, the City of Tualatin and the Lower Columbia Chapter, Ice Age Floods Institute to educate the many officials who want and need to know the continuing impacts of what made the Tualatin, Willamette and Yamhill River Valleys what they are today.
I hope you can make it and please pass this on to anyone you think might be interested. (Signed) President Polly
President Polly????
Sorry. Ex-President.
Where did all that water come from?
Did anyone die from the big flood? Was there anyone even there? How long ago was it?
-Sarah Denton
how many people died?
how many people died
how many people survived
did an ne won srvava ho maen gals do you thik of water
How long did the flood last?
Why was the dam made of ICE?
Why did they build it out of ice
What year was it?
Is a tiger in the picture
Why is there a tiger?
why wasnt the dam made of concret
Why did the ice melt wow that's a lot of ice from a state
did it cover all the schools too?
Why are the people naked?
When did the water leave?
Wow! What a lot of questions! The picture with the mama tiger in it was drawn by Gustave Dore. I used to look at his pictures a lot when I was a kid, because my folks had a whole book of them.
The tiger picture is about the Holy Bible. If you go to Sunday School, you probably heard about Noah and the Big Flood. It's in the Bible.
I don't know if the Bible Flood and the Sherwood Flood are the same thing. I'm not old enough. I wasn't there.
There were probably people living in Sherwood when the Sherwood Flood happened. It happened about 12 thousand years ago.
The first thing would have been the noise it made. Have you ever heard a jet plane make a loud booming noise? That's what you would have heard. The flood came so fast it made a sonic boom.
You would have had enough time to say what's that noise. And then you would have been under about 500 feet of water. The water was as deep as the hills around Sherwood. Parrot Mountain was covered with water.
I'm kind of glad I wasn't there.
I don't know how many people died. I don't know how many people survived. You know who the best people to ask are? The Native Americans. Mrs. Reynolds can help you find some of their stories.
The ice dam was not built by people. It was left over from a time when there was a lot of ice on the ground. The Ice Age.
The ice melted in the center first. The ice around the edges melted last, and that's what turned into an ice dam. (The same thing happens sometimes when you get ice on the roof of your house.)
It's fun to look for things the Sherwood Flood left behind. It's fun to learn about the man who pointed these things out to people. His name was J Harlen Bretz. At first nobody believed him!
He showed people things from an airplane. "See? Only a flood could have caused that." he kept saying. And so now we know what to look for.
The water came and went very quickly. It left almost as soon as it arrived.
There was more than one flood. They were all just as deep. These floods carved a hole through the Cascade Mountains. You can drive down that canyon today when you go East on the Freeway.
Thank you for your questions. I could keep writing all day long. But I need to take a nap now.
I'll have to say that the Bretz/Missoula Montana Flood really did shape Sherwood. Now we think there may have been another one even older!! It may have brought in the "chicken rocks" to Parrett Mountain!
Aye! Well said Lilly. The whole question brings the ill fated career of Immanuel Velikovsky to mind. I wonder if anyone remembers this maverick friend of Albert Einstein. (My spell checker certainly does not!)
What kind of animal is eating them?
how many naked people are there because this photo is really wrong
why is she naked
dude your sick man!
NOah stop saying that he is not rude!
why are people asking about naked people
were people really naked
lauren is writing bad things.
people your being really inaproppriate
STOP your being really rude!
What kind of animal is eating them?
how many naked people are there because this photo is really wrong
why is she naked
dude your sick man!
NOah stop saying that he is not rude!
why are people asking about naked people
were people really naked
lauren is writing bad things.
people your being really inaproppriate
STOP your being really rude!
The people in this picture need help. What if you were there? Would you say, "No I cannot help you because you are not dressed?"
No. I don't think you would do that. You would help these people no matter what they look like.
Nude is good. Naked is bad. A nude person is what God creates. A nude person is "fearfully and wonderfully made." A naked person is what man creates. A naked person is a shameful, filthy and and disgusting thing: nothing at all like the things God makes.
Shape up Lauren. Don't make me come over there! (P.S. I'm just teasing you! Don't worry!)
....ok then.....
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