When you've got Sherwood High School Media Center Director June Reynolds as your Historical Society's President, you never know what to expect. The Cookie Show has been a very well attended event, thanks to June's creative spirit.
Why is Dr. Seuss so important? Is'nt he dead ? Why is he important to history?
That is a good question. Theodor Seuss Geisel was a very intellectual man. He went to Dartmouth College and Oxford University in England. He did not finish in Oxford because he was bored, so he toured Europe and then came back home to the US to work at Saturday Evening Post and Standard Oil as an ad man. When world War II started, he did weekly political cartoons for a liberal magazine. At first, he was not too keen on the war or the idea of the US going into it. But because the war became so serious, he worked with Frank Capra's signal corps on training films and developed the character Private SNAFU...AND WE ALL KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!!!!!!!
Thank you. Dr. Seuss has always been a mystery to me. All I heard was that he was a dentist. He knew how to speak to kids to make them less afraid. Or maybe he wasn't a dentist at all and I first discovered his books in the dentist office and they made me less afraid. Dentists were scary when I was a kid, not like now.
Why is Dr. Seuss so important? Is'nt he dead ? Why is he important to history?
That is a good question. Theodor Seuss Geisel was a very intellectual man. He went to Dartmouth College and Oxford University in England. He did not finish in Oxford because he was bored, so he toured Europe and then came back home to the US to work at Saturday Evening Post and Standard Oil as an ad man. When world War II started, he did weekly political cartoons for a liberal magazine. At first, he was not too keen on the war or the idea of the US going into it. But because the war became so serious, he worked with Frank Capra's signal corps on training films and developed the character Private SNAFU...AND WE ALL KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!!!!!!!
Thank you. Dr. Seuss has always been a mystery to me. All I heard was that he was a dentist. He knew how to speak to kids to make them less afraid. Or maybe he wasn't a dentist at all and I first discovered his books in the dentist office and they made me less afraid. Dentists were scary when I was a kid, not like now.
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