The latest research on Robin Hood puts the legendary outlaw back in Sherwood Forest instead of Barnesdale. Just where we need him. The article is deep, but a photograph of the source material is a pretty sight to behold.
(Click Image to Enlarge. Note the Highlight on the words "Robin Hode" and "Sherwoode.")
I am doing a report on Robin Hood. We need to know how Robin Hood celbrated Christmas. Or maybe he didn't? We don't know. This is from Paul and theo. if you can tell us here we will put it into our report.
We have to have the food that Robin Hood ate. What would the merrymen eat in the forest? Julie an Patty
I can't reed that writing. How do you know what it says? We need to know what Robin Hood wore in the winter. Did he camp in the woods? You can tell us here and we will write back. Andy and Max
Do you think that Robin Hood had a Christmas tree? frm doug and katie
Christmas is a very old Holiday. But people did not really celebrate Christmas until the 19th Century, when Charles Dickens published his famous book, "The Christmas Carol."
Robin Hood used to go to church to pray to the mother of Jesus. So if people celebrated Christmas then the way we do today, Robin Hood would have been among them, you can be sure of that.
They ate deer meat (venison) of course. They also ate the food that they stole from the rich travelers they robbed. Friar Tuck was supposed to be on a diet, but he ate too much. We know that.
When Robin Hood robs you, he gives you a fine dinner. He doesn't ask for money until you're all finished and full. By that time, Little John and the Merry Men have searched through your luggage and know how much you should pay for the food. (See the Ballad of Robin Hood and the Bishop, which I sing on my website--
You can't read the writing? I know it's hard to read. If you click on the image you see some words high-lighted in yellow. Those are the words "Robin Hode" and "Sherwoode"
If you look right at the bottom of the picture, there is a modern print out of what it says.
What did Robin Hood wear in the winter? I think he dressed a lot like Daniel Boone and those other Frontiersmen we see pictured in American history. They wore buck skin. There was a lot of wool in England too then, so we can picture Robin Hood wearing cloth too. Wool was the most important thing England sold to other countries.
The Christmas Tree is a symbol of Christmas that was invented by a German fellow named Martin Luther. He saw stars shining through the limbs of an evergreen tree and said, "Wow! I wonder if I can make a tree look like that if I put one up in my house."
When my dad was your age, people would put real candles on a Christmas Tree and hope it wouldn't catch fire. That was before we had electric lights.
In England, they would decorate a log instead of a tree! They called it a Yule log. They rode "hobby horses" and walked on stilts. Don't ask me why. I don't know.
In 336 a.d. the ancient Christian church set the date at December 25th (Julian calendar)for a celebration of Christmas to offset the pagan celebration of the winter solstice at the Saturnalia, much as churches today have "harvest parties" to offset what is becoming an increasingly occult Halloween.There were 12 days of Christmas and the day after was the Feast of Stephen. This was when people would help others with food and clothing. The Yule log was burned on Christmas day. There was much celebration in the churches and at home, but gift giving was not important in the home and there was very little decorating. Robin Hood probably knew of this winter celebration and I am sure he joined in.
From the evidence of songs sung about Robin Hood, he could have lived sometime between 1201 and 1300.
By that time, the ancient Christian Church in England had pretty well established some sort of a winter holiday to compete with the Druid winter holiday. Although Robin Hood probably didn't know about Christmas trees, he knew some of the basic stories of the birth of Christ.
Thank you, Clyde and Lilly.
We like the answers to the qestions.
It is interesting.
We think we like Christmas today and not in the olden time.
We are glad that Robin Hood had Christmas. We told the class about it.
We will ask more.
From Paul and Theo and Julie, Patty, and Andy and Max and Doug. Katie is not her
This is good. Of course, you did not get the full dose. That would be Friar Tuck and his milch cow showing up for singing class. We would teach everyone how to sing one of those medieval Robin Hood ballads, which are the source of the Robin Hood Legend itself. Annabelle carries a pretty good high tenor you know, especially when it's time to head back to the barn.
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