I DARE THE CHILDREN OF SHERWOOD TO JOIN ME on October 23rd and again on October 29th, 30th and 31st for music, zombies and thrills when the Sherwood Heritage Center presents
a "Thriller" Haunted House
featuring Michael Danforth as Michael Jackson.
Halloween activities will include pumpkin decorating, face painting, games, concessions, and an age appropriate haunted house. Activities for ages 11 and under will take place from 4 - 6 p.m. The cost is $3.00 per child and is free for accompanying adult. From 7 - 10 PM we ramp up the thrills for ages 12 and 70. The cost is $5.00 per person.
Zombie dancers in the Thriller recreation.
We may not be able to match London or New York but this will still be a lot of fun.On a serious note, the date for The Sherwood Historical Society's Annual Membership Meeting has been set for November 30, from 4:30 to 6:30. We will have election of officers, a projected budget, and discussion about next year's projects. Cookies and punch will be provided. You should be receiving a Historical Society newsletter soon which will include your membership dues notice for 2010. (You will notice the dues have remained the same; as a matter of fact, they've never been increased. Do you think it's time for an increase, or is this a particularly bad time for an increase. Let us know what you think.)
On a lighter note, this weekend is your last chance, Friday and Saturday, at 7 p.m. to see an original work of our own: A June Reynolds Play being performed at the Frogpond Grange, 27350 SW Stafford Rd., Wilsonville, OR 97070. "A Ferry Tale, Wilsonville, Oregon's Transportation Town" is a play performed by the Wilsonville Theater Company about Wilsonville's early years. Tickets are $10 for Adults, and $7 for children & Seniors. Former Mayor of Sherwood Clyde List is a prominant member of the cast.
We'll see you soon. Brewhahahaha! Polly Blankenbaker 503-625-6435
Now don't ya ever tell me there is not enough to do in this neck o'the Woods!!--John Brown
As founder of this town, now called Sherwood, I must say something. I did not enjoy the things that were said about me personally in regards to why my house, Smock House, should be so scary.
There is no truth to the stories Mr. Boljat and Mr. List were feeding the children, which were, namely, that people often disappear-never-to-be-seen-again once they enter my House. And that these people leave nothing behind except their heart rending screams. The advice that you should fold your hands in such a manner as the undertaker requires in order that he may place a lily under your nose at your funeral... is fallacious. Nay, scandalous!
Aw, go back to sleep Mr. Smock.
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