I DARE THE CHILDREN OF SHERWOOD TO JOIN ME on October 23rd and again on October 29th, 30th and 31st for music, zombies and thrills when the Sherwood Heritage Center presents
a "Thriller" Haunted House
Michael Danforth as Michael Jackson.
Smock House, built in 1868, and
Morback House, older than time itself, will provide the backdrop for
a very thrilling Haunted Halloween. Stories have been circulating for years about the Morback House being a place of REAL hauntings. This year we give you a chance to
Halloween activities will include pumpkin decorating, face painting, games, concessions, and an age appropriate haunted house. Activities for ages 11 and under will take place from 4 - 6 p.m. The cost is $3.00 per child and is free for accompanying adult. From 7 - 10 PM we ramp up the thrills for ages 12 and 70. The cost is $5.00 per person.
On Halloween night come prepared to participate. We will have prizes for
the best Halloween costume and the best "Thriller" scream! Proceeds go to
the Sherwood Heritage Center/Museum of course. If you would like to be a scare-er instead of a scare-ee, then call 503-625-4813, or the Museum itself (503-625-1236) Be one of the
Zombie dancers in the Thriller recreation.
We may not be able to match London or New York but this will still be a lot of fun.
On a serious note, the date for
The Sherwood Historical Society's Annual Membership Meeting has been set for November 30, from 4:30 to 6:30. We will have election of officers, a projected budget, and discussion about next year's projects. Cookies and punch will be provided. You should be receiving a Historical Society newsletter soon which will include your membership dues notice for 2010. (You will notice the dues have remained the same; as a matter of fact, they've never been increased. Do you think it's time for an increase, or is this a particularly bad time for an increase. Let us know what you think.)
On a lighter note, this weekend is your last chance, Friday and Saturday, at 7 p.m. to see an original work of our own:
A June Reynolds Play being performed at the Frogpond Grange, 27350 SW Stafford Rd., Wilsonville, OR 97070. "A Ferry Tale, Wilsonville, Oregon's Transportation Town" is a play performed by the Wilsonville Theater Company about Wilsonville's early years. Tickets are $10 for Adults, and $7 for children & Seniors.
Former Mayor of Sherwood Clyde List is a prominant member of the cast. We'll see you soon. Brewhahahaha! Polly Blankenbaker 503-625-6435