We'll let it happen again of course. Why not? (We should probably add that the year was 1896, and that Anna was the saloon keeper's mother in law.)
Come to the Historical Society's 8th Annual Trail Days Festival Saturday or Sunday, September 26 & 27, 2009. The walk begins on the corner of First and Main in Old Town at 10:00AM and 1:00PM.
The Mayor of Sherwood (the one we have now) will give a speech to save poor Anna, just in time for Oregon's 150th Anniversary.
The Mayor and the City Council have cameo roles in the 50th Anniversary scene to be presented at 10:30 on Sat. the 26th.
Talk to me!
Yep, Anon is correct. For the 150th birthday of Oregon, we are bringing out the BIG GUNS to re-enact the 1939 50th Anniversary Celebration. The script in in the works and will be sent to the POWERS THAT BE very soon. I believe that our very own "Mr. Morback" will be there to introduce the guests!! Stay Tuned!!!
Mister More-Back? What happened to Mister Less-Front? I thought he was going to speak to us from the future, from a time when the Tualatin River and all its tributaries are nothing more than underground concrete pipes and the entire Portland Metropolitan area includes Salem and Eugene.
Well, he does hold court at the Sherwood High School Library....Larger than life: the Mayor of 2050 reigns the nonfiction.
Perhaps he will join with Seski Sasquatch to form a duet!!!!
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