CLICK TO ENLARGE | Now we know what Middleton Oregon USA looked like from the air.The place must have looked a lot like Sherwood, except that the streets were laid out long before there was a railroad. Harrison Street, Pearl Street, and Main Street (Middleton Road) are still traveled today. |
Benjamin Harrison served as President between 1889 and 1893. I don't recall if Harrison Street was named in his honor. My memory gets awfully hazy anymore.
Looks great! Where was this map found? What is the north/south/east/west orientation?
The B.R. Harrington listed would be Benjamin Rouse Harrington & the C.S. Harrington would probably be his brother Charles Silas Harrington.
I don't see no B.R. Harrington on there.
June Reynolds found the map during a web search. The orientation of the map is North and South. It is possible to match this street grid with streets and private driveways today.
The B.R. (Benjamin Rouse) Harrington lots are found on block #3.
Benjamin and Laura Harrington came to Middleton in 1889 and purchased a home and two lots. The book "Sherwood: A Sense of Time and Place" has a typo and mistakenly says they came in
1899. The family is pictured on page 77 of the book. A.W.
M.E. Jewett in blocks #5 & #6 would probably be Mary E. Jewitt. She was active in the local Middleton Baptist Church. She is pictured on page on page 78 of the book "Sherwood: A Sense of Time and Place."
The map came from:
There are many interesting maps but not enough spare change to see them all.
This was hand copied from the computer. Boy I am having a hard time communicating on this machine today!!!
Woah! I'm really amazed by the scholarship here. Good stuff! It may come as a surprise to many that there are "ancient cities" in Sherwood. You don't have to explore Egypt or Greece to find such mysterious phenomena. We have them right here where we trod.
Did you notice how many women are listed as property owners in 1909? Rather unusual:
Clara A. Speake
Alice Miebus
Elizabeth Beiens
Mary E. Jewett
Mary (and Charles) Ashpole
And possibly others?
Excellent clue! The abundance of females strongly suggests the Society of Friends at work. The local Minutes Books show women in leadership positions already when the congregation was established in 1887.
The Friends (AKA, Quakers) originated in north central England, where Scandinavian influence was strong. (Us guys always learn fast that we always talk nice to those astonishingly beautiful blue eyed blond ladies from up there.)
I think that the Christian churches had a strong influence in Middleton. Of those listed on the 1909 map, these were members of the Middleton Baptist Church:
Mary E. Jewett
Charles and Mary Ashpole
Benjamin and Laura Harrington
although others may have been also.
Oh this is too good. Maid Marian would be proud. We know now that there was a strong feminist presence in greater Sherwood circa 1900. This at a time when my grandmother was ostracized for wearing ear rings to church (she enjoyed the controversy), and men and women sat on separate sides of the aisle.
Did the original map cover any more area that shown here?
Actually, yes. I believe there was land to the south and west archived.
I have found the land that belonged to Jacob Holmes (of Middleton) which in reality was on Kruger Road,just east of his son's land, that of Ulysses. Jacob was a member of the Friends Church. I must revisit this again along with some other documents of interest.
Tell us about the artifacts you rescued from the Holmes estate, and how much work is going into tagging them all.
It would be interesting to know if the map indicated the locations of the Middleton Baptist Church, the Middleton Friends Church and the Middleton School, maybe in relationship to where the Middleton Cemetery is?
Who is this Alice Meibus? why did she own so much land?
Alice Miebus and her sister Clara A Speake (block #4) are listed as daughters of John and Anna Winters (also block #4). In the 1900 Fed. Census they are shown operating a boarding house on Morrison Street in Portland. An Ancestry.com posting indicates that Alice "Allie" Winters married Mr. Augustus Miebus.
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