We are looking for High School Students in Grades 9 through 12 to be Camp Counselors for a Week Long History Day Camp.
The Camp runs June 22-26 and meets each day at 8:30 at the Morback House Museum. The first two days include a bus trip up to Parrett Mountain Farm. See Sherwood High School Librarian Mrs. Reynolds for more information.
Summer Day Camp Schedule
June 22-26
2nd-4th Grade—(Session One) 8:30 a.m. to 1:00p.m.
5th-7th Grade—(Session Two) 11:30a.m. to 4:00p.m.
Bring a sack lunch every day!!
$12.00 a day, per session $55.00 for the week. (A savings of $5.00)

This year, we will start our Time Travel in 1860, just as the Civil War gets going on the Eastern Shores. We will discover how the Civil War influenced our area and how the new settlers in the Oregon Country lived. We will dress like the settlers and cook food like the settlers in our own Pioneer Camp!! Ride the History Mystery Bus to the Parrett Mountain Farm!!!
After Two days on Parrett Mountain, we will meet at the Morback House Museum to time travel again into another time period or two.
History Camp is sponsored by: Sherwood Historical Society Parrett Mountain Living History Farm Washington County Humanities Coalition |
"The 4th Graders are coming! The 4th Graders are coming! If you're a member of the Sherwood Historical Society, don't even think of leaving town or June will hunt you down!"
June 1, (Monday): Hopkins School(50 kids) 9:00-10:30June 1 (Monday): Hopkins (50 kids) 12:15-1:30
June 3 (Wednesday): Hopkins (25 kids) 9:00-10:30 (Easy day)
June 5 (Friday): Middleton School (waves of approx 200 kids) No time as of yet.
June 8 (Monday): Archer Glen School (waves of approx. 180 kids) No time as of yet
You can always tell that summer is on the horizon when someone broaches the subject of History Camp!! I will be there with my camp and I hope to put up some early summer jam with the kids!!(Opps!! Not the goats! With the children.)
We need adults to help us churn butter, make quilts, and spin. Call (503)825-5585
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