In the photo at left we see
Sherwood City Councilor Robyn Folsom paying close special attention to
Sherwood Historical Society Secretary and Past President Clyde List as he describes important facets of Sherwood history that are still relevant in our time. Also known as
Friar Tuck to the
Sherwood Robin Hood Festival Association, Mr. List lectures the Town Council endlessly regarding the historical connection between
the Robin Hood Legend, the American Revolution, and lessons learned from Native Americans during the period leading up to the Revolution. The humble Friar will speak for 15 minutes (no longer) on these topics April 9 at the
Maid Marian Pageant at the Sherwood Public Library at 6:00 PM.
I bet this guy has seen some time!!!!
Hey I heard that this guy is even known as the former Mayor of Sherwood!!!He has done his time!!!!!
Congratulations, to our Grand Marshall, Elect!!!!!
"Those who participated in the Boston Tea Party remembered another perpetrator of civil disobedience: Robin Hood – that partly historical, partly mythical character from the English Middle Ages. For Robin Hood challenged the gated neighborhood of English nobility… an exclusive neighborhood composed of those whose political and economic power crushed and suffocated the under-classes.
"Like the leaders of the Boston Tea Party, Robin Hood gathered an unlikely assortment of people – from religious professionals like Friar Tuck, to members of the aristocracy, and simple country folk. They shared one thing in common – a concern for their neighbors, the starving rural poor. They had no means to exercise justice except as outlaws … by stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. But one of the consequences of their actions was to invite a broader understanding of neighbor, of interdependence among people from different classes.
"Robin Hood proclaimed, in effect: we have something to do with each other; we are connected; we are neighbors; and the inequality of the social system cannot be allowed to continue unchallenged. It is just what the Boston Tea Party participants said too!
"In the reading this morning from Luke’s gospel a lawyer asks Jesus, 'Who is my neighbor?' It’s a good question."
Sermon by the Rev. Dr. Nancy S. Taylor
The Old South Church in Boston
Robbers, Robin Hood and Samuel Adams: A Sermon for Independence Day Weekend. July 3, 2005
I was given only 10 minutes this year instead of 15. That's more than enough. I said:
This is a story about a daughter who became the mother of her dad. Don't look so shocked. There are many such stories in the history of Sherwood. Tthis time the problem was: The Old Man would Not Grow Up.
The Old Man had been in WWII. But he came home from that great conflict safe and unharmed. For him and his friends, the battle did not start until they came back to Sherwood. The town was in serious economic trouble. She was going down hill fast.
The story continues:
And so these brave WWII Vets looked at each other and they said: "We can not let this happen! This is the battle we were trained for! We will not fail! WE WILL SAVE SHERWOOD! Their wives helped them design some uniforms: Matching green outfits with pointy hats, each hat with a feather sticking out of it.
And so... off they went! (If you have any further interest in this story, please register your comment at this time and I will go on.)
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