Bemused householder (far left) bides his time while camera-woman Reynolds scans the territory. Historical Society President Joan (far right) waits for historical details to occur to former house occupant Marian. Photo taken February 12. It's a typical day with the Sherwood Historical Society!
Meanwhile, this just in:
"Roxanne W-- sent me these two pictures. They are from the Mary (Lebeau) Hankel collection. There is a real possibility that they are LeBeau and/or other Sherwood People here but we do not know." --June Reynolds
I wrote a response, but I see it was all deleted while I signed up, something I did before, but no clue what I used then either. ha! These men may be from the Hankel (Hankle) family. They used both spellings, Ed & Mary Lebeau Hankel used the el. Many oldtimers of Sherwood might remember Flora & Elsie Lebeau, Mary Lebeau Hankel was their sister. She had an unending collection of turn of the century pictures of friends and relatives of Sherwood and surounding areas. Their neighbors and first cousins were my grandparents Nezaire & Virginia Brouillard Kittson who were close friends of the Capoen's who lived down the road. (I am now on my third round trying to get this to take, so I am sure my computer is acting highly protective)
Hey! Why do they call those loop-de-loop things on the jackets, "frogs?"
I'd be interested in seeing more of the "unknown" photographs of Sherwood residents and the surrounding area. Is that possible?
We now have a picture of men in the high contrast "loop de loop" jackets meeting at the train station in Sherwood. It looks like they have band instruments with them, so it looks like they are meeting someone important that is geting off of the train!The picture is from Jon Galbreath!
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