Here is an "unknown" picture that you might be interested in posting on the Sherwood Historical Society blog site. This picture was found in my grandmother Mrs. Roy "Jennie" Harrington's belongings. I do not recognize the individuals in the photo, but believe that it may have been taken in Middleton, possibly at the Middleton Baptist Church. If you would like to post it and see if anyone can help identify these individuals, I would appreciate it.
--Anne (Harrington) Watson

Thank you for posting the picture. The building looks like the picture of the Middleton Baptist Church printed in Sherwood: A Sense of Time and Place, page 78 and was in fact found in the same box of photos as the photo printed in the book.
Well that's a start.
For those just tuning in, Middleton was an unicorporated town about one mile south of old town Sherwood. She appears on some very old maps of Oregon and was so named (I'm told) because she was the "middle town" between Lafayette and Oregon City. She was a day's ride from either of those towns I guess. The streets were laid out in a North-South grid (unlike Old Sherwood Town) and are still visible today as a series of private driveways coming off Middleton Road. Which leads to the obvious question: Just where was the Baptist Church in question located?
I believe that the original Middleton School AND the Middleton Baptist Church were both located between the Middleton Pioneer Cemetery and what is now the Sherwood YMCA.
Can we put a date on the picture? The ladies seem to be quite fashion conscious. What year's Sears Roebuck catalogue would we find garb like that?
What about the national origins of the folks? There's a couple of platinum blonds in there. Scandinavians in Sherwood!?
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