Clyde List is Secretary and Past President of the Sherwood Historical Society, but his opinions only rarely reflect the thinking of the Sherwood Historical Society.
History isn't what it used to be. Ever since 9/11, history has been expanding like the Universe after the Big Bang. My hometown of Sherwood was better prepared than most towns. We have always considered Robin Hood and the Middle Ages as part of our history. But that's not true for the rest of America. All you other people thought the Middle Ages couldn't possibly have anything to do with you. But now we read in the Oregonian every day how the American military is advancing against an enemy who sees the Great Crusades (1099-2006) as modern history.
China is another reason for us to take the long view of history. Recently President Bush lectured this ancient country on her lack of freedom. I can almost hear the Chinese thinking: "Between 1861 and 1865, over 250,000 Americans died defending their right to own slaves! That wasn't very long ago. Let's wait another century or two, the way we Chinese always do when there's an argument to settle, and then we'll see how much America actually cares about freedom."
Hardly anyone reads the Bible anymore, and those who do have a hard time believing what it says. Joshua Chapter 10 says rocks fell from the sky and the Earth stood still. People overcame their fear of the sky (I Samuel 7:10) by hurling stones at each other (Joshua 7: 25 & 26). It's not easy to follow the logic path of people with problems like that to deal with. However, the connection between their fear of God and their hatred of one another seems modern enough.
Countless other examples can be found. J Harlen Bretz proved that the bizarre geology of the Sherwood-Tigard-Tualatin area came into existence a mere 12,000 years or so ago: Well within the life span of the human race. Should we regard the Bretz floods as part of our history or our pre-history?
More and more people are living to 100 these days, so that the span of a single century no longer seems as awesome as it does when we gaze at the frozen facial expressions of our civic ancestors at Morback House museum. I wonder how a century will sound to students who live as long as scientists say we will someday, five or six hundred years maybe. I can only imagine what a compilation of woe that will add up to.
So far, if the Sherwood Historical Society has learned anything from all our research, it is that Sherwood was a railroad town and that the history of a railroad town is inseperable from the history of the nation, and that the history of the nation amounts to no more than a flicker of light in the history of the world. Hopefully, on this blog, the Sherwood Historical Society will add some light to such a fragile glow.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Friday, November 11, 2005
History Society Youth Makes the Front Page!
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Solved: Where Sherwood Got Her Name!
The delightful part is that the photos on the Michgan website show a town that looks a lot like Sherwood Oregon when it had less than 400 people in it.
Ken Huisjen
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Blue Town is Area 59 Now!
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Saturday, September 24, 2005
The Heritage Trail Festival Report!
The Sherwood Historical Society led visitors along the Sherwood Heritage Trail once again this year. The trail began at Morback House, which is by Veterans Park on the corner of First and Main in Sherwood. Small group tours were taken Saturday and Sunday twice daily at 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM. On Saturday, the event coincided with the Sherwood Arts Festival.
The tour covered the nine blocks of the original town plat, plus a piece of Stella Olsen Park. The highlights of the tour were the Covered Wagon era (Third Street was part of the Oregon Trail), the Railroad era (Railroad Street is aligned with Oregon's most historically significant railroad), and the Model-T era (First Street featured one of Oregon's largest Ford dealerships). While they were discussing anecdotes from each of these time zones, each tour group was distracted by a conflict that was actually reported in history books or in Turn of the 19th Century newspapers. The Womens Christian Temperance Union attempted to close down a saloon, a gunfight broke out on Railroad Avenue, and a town father was accosted by a bank robber. Safe and unharmed the tour group wound up at Stella Olsen Park, which lies just outside of Old Sherwood Town. There they met a peddler, a frontiersman, and an unfortunate soul named Lilly Morgan who lost her spouse on the Oregon Trail and simply didn't know what she was going to do.
Visitors are often amazed by the fact that all this excitement happened within a town no larger than nine blocks in size. More delightful still is the discovery that Sherwood's story is America's story. No matter where you lived before you came to Sherwood or where you may move to in the future, the story of Sherwood Oregon is about you. Call 503-625-1236 for a recorded message about future Sherwood Historical society events.
The tour covered the nine blocks of the original town plat, plus a piece of Stella Olsen Park. The highlights of the tour were the Covered Wagon era (Third Street was part of the Oregon Trail), the Railroad era (Railroad Street is aligned with Oregon's most historically significant railroad), and the Model-T era (First Street featured one of Oregon's largest Ford dealerships). While they were discussing anecdotes from each of these time zones, each tour group was distracted by a conflict that was actually reported in history books or in Turn of the 19th Century newspapers. The Womens Christian Temperance Union attempted to close down a saloon, a gunfight broke out on Railroad Avenue, and a town father was accosted by a bank robber. Safe and unharmed the tour group wound up at Stella Olsen Park, which lies just outside of Old Sherwood Town. There they met a peddler, a frontiersman, and an unfortunate soul named Lilly Morgan who lost her spouse on the Oregon Trail and simply didn't know what she was going to do.
Visitors are often amazed by the fact that all this excitement happened within a town no larger than nine blocks in size. More delightful still is the discovery that Sherwood's story is America's story. No matter where you lived before you came to Sherwood or where you may move to in the future, the story of Sherwood Oregon is about you. Call 503-625-1236 for a recorded message about future Sherwood Historical society events.
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Sauvie Island Harvest Fair
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Labor Day Weekend at Champoeg
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Poetry at Morback House
Sherwood Poet Larry Ernster (left) reads while fellow Elks listen.
Saturday, August 20, 2005
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Dufur Oregon: Threshing Bee

Friday, August 05, 2005
Welcome Home Jack!
Jack Lepper lived in Sherwood since 1959 until he retired East of the mountains a few years ago. Most of us remember Jack as the man who managed Garrigus Lumber Yard. Jack was also in town the day the building was bulldozed to make room for the new City Hall. A party was held in his honor at the Senior Center today, but he almost didn't make it. It wasn't just the old Garrigus building that had disappeared. "All the old landmarks have disappeared. I wasn't always so sure where I was driving!" he said.
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Rabekah Flea Market in Old Town
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Japanese Youth Visit Sherwood
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Saturday, July 09, 2005
Emigrant Springs Encounter
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Scam Number Three: Leave Us ALONE!
Dear Jaycee Smock
I am Barrister Barrister Victor Mandus(Esq),currently representing a big oil servicing company in my country Lome-Togo in West Africa.
My late client, Peter Smock, who expatriate in my country,with his wife and their one child lost their lives in World trade center bombing on the 11th of sep. 2001. Before his death, my deceased client deposited two boxes containing $18,000,000.00 United Sates Dollars with a Security Company in Lome-Togo.
Here He accumulated this money from an onshore engineering award. I decided to search for any foreigner that has the same surname with my late client in repatriating the consignment since I found it unsuccessful to find a true relative to him. I want you to quickly file in for claim before the security company will declare the consignment unserviceable.
The said money was packed in cash in two boxes, the boxes was not opened, and he declared it as containing just family valuables of classified documents and he paid a high price for the special diplomatic service of deposit here (a category of deposit in which a customers consignment is never opened for inspection).
As you have the same surname with the decease, this is why I am writing to you so that I will assist you claim this consignment. I will prepare every documentation that will assist your claim. The consignment will be released to you within 7 working days after you have filed in for claims. I will like you to acknowledge the receipt of this e-mail as soon as possible,Please you also include your telephone and fax number for easy communication.
Barrister Victor Mandus(Esq)
I am Barrister Barrister Victor Mandus(Esq),currently representing a big oil servicing company in my country Lome-Togo in West Africa.
My late client, Peter Smock, who expatriate in my country,with his wife and their one child lost their lives in World trade center bombing on the 11th of sep. 2001. Before his death, my deceased client deposited two boxes containing $18,000,000.00 United Sates Dollars with a Security Company in Lome-Togo.
Here He accumulated this money from an onshore engineering award. I decided to search for any foreigner that has the same surname with my late client in repatriating the consignment since I found it unsuccessful to find a true relative to him. I want you to quickly file in for claim before the security company will declare the consignment unserviceable.
The said money was packed in cash in two boxes, the boxes was not opened, and he declared it as containing just family valuables of classified documents and he paid a high price for the special diplomatic service of deposit here (a category of deposit in which a customers consignment is never opened for inspection).
As you have the same surname with the decease, this is why I am writing to you so that I will assist you claim this consignment. I will prepare every documentation that will assist your claim. The consignment will be released to you within 7 working days after you have filed in for claims. I will like you to acknowledge the receipt of this e-mail as soon as possible,Please you also include your telephone and fax number for easy communication.
Barrister Victor Mandus(Esq)
Friday, July 01, 2005
Robin Hood Festival - July 15,16,17, 2005
Monday, June 27, 2005
History Camp for Kids! June 27 to 30
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Then and Now: Pacific Highway (US 99W)
A popular workers' tavern is replaced by a medical facility. First photo was taken in the late 1970's.
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Old Family, Famous Friends
Glenn Olds, age 84, looks out on the vast territory that his family once owned as settlers under the Donation Land Claim Act of 1850-55. "We were a family of nonconformists, free-thinkers all the way back to early times." he said. A prolific speech writer who once served as U.N. Ambassador, he served four U.S. Presidents during his lifetime-- Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon. During that period of time, he hob-nobbed with anyone who was anyone in Washington D.C. He recalled an especially warm conversation with Herbert Hoover whose "face lit up like a Christmas tree" when he talked about his childhood in Newberg.
Olds has a fascinating personal and family history, but he prefers to call himself a futurist. "I hope people understand that we are seeing the end of the nation-state." he said, "The world is always evolving and it's difficult to say what's coming next."
Then and Now: Edy Road
Both of these photos were taken from the spot where Houston Drive and Edy Road connect today. We're looking due North from Edy Road. The "before" photo was taken January 1981.
Monday, June 13, 2005
Then and Now: Tualatin Sherwood Road
Sunday, June 12, 2005
Then and Now: Middleton Road
The view is due East from the same spot 25 years apart. In 1978 Middleton Road Intersected Sunset Boulevard. Now Sunset is diverted and Middleton Road intersects Timbrel Lane instead. Most of what you see on the left side of the photos hasn't changed all that much!
Saturday, June 11, 2005
Cruisin' Sherwood
Like a kindly old grandfather, Morback Museum oversees Veterans Park during the Car Show. Live music consisted of Clyde List wacking away on the banjo. The Museum's model train exhibit was open for the first time.
Friday, June 10, 2005
Oregon Trail Days
At the Heritage Center this Morning!
We hosted HOW MANY Fourth Graders?!
That's our own Lilly Morgan laying down the law center-left.
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Don't Open until 2025 !
TIME CAPSULE SEALED TODAY. It's now the property of
The Sherwood Historical Society.
Smock Scammed Again!
Subj: To Jaycee Smock
Date: 6/9/2005 5:45:54 AM Pacific Standard Time
Dear Jaycee Smock,
I am Barrister George J.Dongo, a solicitor at law,personal attorney to Mr. P. B. Smock, a national Of your country and a contractor with Togo Regional Water Sccheme in Lome Togo. Here in after shall be referred to as my client.
On the 21st of April 2000, my client,his wife and their only daughter were involved in a car accident along Nouvissi express Road. All occupants of the vehicle unfortunately lost there lives. Since then I have made several enquiries to your embassy here to locate any of my clients extended relatives, this has also proved unsuccessful.
After these several unsuccessful attempts,I decided to track his last name over the Internet, to locate any member of his family hence I contacted you.I have contacted you to assist in repartrating the fund valued at US$6.4 million left behind by my client before it gets confisicated or declared unserviceable by the bank where this huge amount were deposited.
The said bank has issued me a notice to provide the next of kin or have his accountconfisicated within the next twenty one officialworking days.
Since I have been unsuccesfull in locating the relatives for over 2years now, I seek the consent to present you as the next of kin to the deceased since you have the same last names, so that the proceeds of this account can be paid to you. Therefore, on receipt of your positive response, we shall then discuss the sharing ratio and modalities for transfer.
I have all necessary information and legal documents needed to back you up for claim. All I require from you is your honest cooperation to enable us see this transaction through. I guarantee that this will be executed under legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law. Please get in touch with me through the above email for more details.
Best Regards.
Barr. George J.Dongo.Esq
Subj: To Jaycee Smock
Date: 6/9/2005 5:45:54 AM Pacific Standard Time
Dear Jaycee Smock,
I am Barrister George J.Dongo, a solicitor at law,personal attorney to Mr. P. B. Smock, a national Of your country and a contractor with Togo Regional Water Sccheme in Lome Togo. Here in after shall be referred to as my client.
On the 21st of April 2000, my client,his wife and their only daughter were involved in a car accident along Nouvissi express Road. All occupants of the vehicle unfortunately lost there lives. Since then I have made several enquiries to your embassy here to locate any of my clients extended relatives, this has also proved unsuccessful.
After these several unsuccessful attempts,I decided to track his last name over the Internet, to locate any member of his family hence I contacted you.I have contacted you to assist in repartrating the fund valued at US$6.4 million left behind by my client before it gets confisicated or declared unserviceable by the bank where this huge amount were deposited.
The said bank has issued me a notice to provide the next of kin or have his accountconfisicated within the next twenty one officialworking days.
Since I have been unsuccesfull in locating the relatives for over 2years now, I seek the consent to present you as the next of kin to the deceased since you have the same last names, so that the proceeds of this account can be paid to you. Therefore, on receipt of your positive response, we shall then discuss the sharing ratio and modalities for transfer.
I have all necessary information and legal documents needed to back you up for claim. All I require from you is your honest cooperation to enable us see this transaction through. I guarantee that this will be executed under legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law. Please get in touch with me through the above email for more details.
Best Regards.
Barr. George J.Dongo.Esq
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
More About the Sherwood Gunfight!
The Williams family album is loaded with photographs that have real artistic merit, in addition to their historic value.
Williams Family at Play on Future Wildlife Refuge Site. Circa 1918
Thursday, May 26, 2005
110 Years Ago Today
"A communication was received from J.C.Smock stating his reasons for signing a liquor license in the town of Sherwood, and that if it was inconsistent with the discipline of the Church he asked to be released from membership-- his resignation was accepted." --Middleton Friends Church Minutes, May 26,1895. (By a tragic coincidence, the entire business district burned to the ground less than one week later, on June 1, 1895.) |
Saturday, May 14, 2005
Saturday, April 30, 2005
Old Engines of Sherwood
The Second Annual Old Engines of Sherwood show is coming to town April 30. The event is sponsered by Alto's Chevron LubeXpress, as well as the Sherwood Chamber of Commerce and the City of Sherwood. The show features gasoline powered engines from the Turn of the Century... everything from gas powered washing machines to logging equipment. It all happens at Sherwood Plaza, across from Alto's, the last Saturday in April.

This photograph shows what the LubeXpress looked like before 1950, except that it was a Shell station/grocery store then. The Highway was a two lane road. The business was owned by Earl Reiser. It was the kind of store where you asked for groceries at the counter and the clerk went and got them for you. Tualatin - Sherwood Road and North Sherwood Boulevard crossed Highway 99 at this location, so that all three roads sliced the land up like a pizza for six. That's why old timers still refer to the area as "Six Corners." Call 503-625-6117, Extension 21 for more about the Power Show.
This photograph shows what the LubeXpress looked like before 1950, except that it was a Shell station/grocery store then. The Highway was a two lane road. The business was owned by Earl Reiser. It was the kind of store where you asked for groceries at the counter and the clerk went and got them for you. Tualatin - Sherwood Road and North Sherwood Boulevard crossed Highway 99 at this location, so that all three roads sliced the land up like a pizza for six. That's why old timers still refer to the area as "Six Corners." Call 503-625-6117, Extension 21 for more about the Power Show.
Monday, April 18, 2005
Destination Sherwood
Tim Morgan with Portland Concierge Association members Morback House, Sherwood Heritage Center |
Dear Sherwood Historical Society,
I want to thank you for taking time to host [a group of visiting tour bus operators] on Thursday, March 24. We had about 30 people on the tour and they enjoyed it very much. I am offering the same trip (although smaller) for the downtown Portland Concierge Association on Monday, April 18. Will you be available on Monday, April 18 to do this? Here is a rough itinerary:
9:00am Leave from downtown Portland location
9:45am Magness Memorial Tree Farm
10:30am Downtown Sherwood
11:15am Sleighbells Gift Shop
11:45am Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge
12:15pm Ponzi Vineyard (stop for tour and lunch)
1:15pm Quick stop at Smith Berry Barn
2:00pm Jackson Bottom Wetlands Education Center
2:45pm Hazelnut Retail Store
3:30pm Rice Northwest Museum of Rocks & Minerals
4:30pm Return to starting point
Tim Morgan
Washington County Visitors Association
Friday, April 15, 2005
JayCee Smock Scammed!
In 1896, a local newspaper called our town founder a swindler for selling lightning rods-- such as the one that rises high above J. C. Smock's head in this photograph-- to unsuspecting newcomers. It seems like poetic justice that our beloved lightning rod salesman received the following email this morning:
Dear Jaycee Smock:

I am barrister Douglas Ezeh, a solicitor at law and the personal attorney to late Mr.Mark Smock, a national of your country, who used to be a private contractor with the Shell Development Company in Nigeria, herein after shall be referred to as my client. On the 21st of April 2001, he and his wife and their three children were involved in a car accident along Sagbama express road, all occupants of the vehicle unfortunately lost their lives.
Since then I have made several enquiries to your embassy to locate any of my clients extended relatives, this has also proved unsuccessful. After these several unsuccessful attempts, I decided to trace his last name to locate any member of his family hence I contacted you. I have contacted you to assist in repatriating the money and property left behind by my client before they get confiscated or declared unserviceable by the bank where these huge deposits were lodged.
The deceased had an account valued at about $15 million US dollars and the bank has issued me a notice to provide the next of kin or have the account confiscated within the next ten official working days.Since I have been unsuccessful in locating the relatives for over 2 years now, I seek your consent to present you as the next of kin of the deceased since you have the same last name so that the proceeds of this account valued at $15Million US dollars can be paid to you and then you and me can share the money. 60% to me and 40% to you. I have all necessary legal documents that can be used to back up any claim we may make.
All I require is your honest co-operation to enable us see this transaction through. I guarantee you that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law. Please get in touch with me urgently by Email: or my direct
Cell-phone line 234-1-XXXXXXX.
Best regards,
Barrister Douglas Ezeh
Direct Cell-phone 234-1-XXXXXXX
Dear Jaycee Smock:
I am barrister Douglas Ezeh, a solicitor at law and the personal attorney to late Mr.Mark Smock, a national of your country, who used to be a private contractor with the Shell Development Company in Nigeria, herein after shall be referred to as my client. On the 21st of April 2001, he and his wife and their three children were involved in a car accident along Sagbama express road, all occupants of the vehicle unfortunately lost their lives.
Since then I have made several enquiries to your embassy to locate any of my clients extended relatives, this has also proved unsuccessful. After these several unsuccessful attempts, I decided to trace his last name to locate any member of his family hence I contacted you. I have contacted you to assist in repatriating the money and property left behind by my client before they get confiscated or declared unserviceable by the bank where these huge deposits were lodged.
The deceased had an account valued at about $15 million US dollars and the bank has issued me a notice to provide the next of kin or have the account confiscated within the next ten official working days.Since I have been unsuccessful in locating the relatives for over 2 years now, I seek your consent to present you as the next of kin of the deceased since you have the same last name so that the proceeds of this account valued at $15Million US dollars can be paid to you and then you and me can share the money. 60% to me and 40% to you. I have all necessary legal documents that can be used to back up any claim we may make.
All I require is your honest co-operation to enable us see this transaction through. I guarantee you that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law. Please get in touch with me urgently by Email: or my direct
Cell-phone line 234-1-XXXXXXX.
Best regards,
Barrister Douglas Ezeh
Direct Cell-phone 234-1-XXXXXXX
Monday, April 11, 2005
A Couple of Suggestions
Why doesn't the Sherwood Historical Society Blog have an open section where folks can list their historical or genealogical queries? People from across the country should post a query about their relative that lived or died in the Sherwood area. I'll bet people could find relatives they didn't know they had, plus it would might even increase their interest in visiting the area. Right now the closest we have is Washington County query sites on Rootsweb and
A couple of easy questions that come to mind:
1) Who established the Middleton Pioneer Cemetery?
2) Who was the first person buried at Middleton Pioneer Cemetery?
3) Who was the local surveyor who surveyed the land for the Middleton Pioneer Cemetery, the Middleton School and the Middleton Baptist Church?
4) What is the "oldest" cemetery in the Sherwood area?
Just a suggestion.
A couple of easy questions that come to mind:
1) Who established the Middleton Pioneer Cemetery?
2) Who was the first person buried at Middleton Pioneer Cemetery?
3) Who was the local surveyor who surveyed the land for the Middleton Pioneer Cemetery, the Middleton School and the Middleton Baptist Church?
4) What is the "oldest" cemetery in the Sherwood area?
Just a suggestion.
Friday, April 01, 2005
Sunset Magazine Discovers Old Town
The Current issue of Sunset magazine features "Treasures of Sherwood" by Bonnie Henderson. It's a full page article with photographs. The article is accurate as far as it goes. Henderson states that "the old town's heart continues to beat to the slow pace set by a cluster of antique shops and by neighborhood watering holes that invite lingering, even if you're not a neighbor." Unfortunately there is no specific mention of the Sherwood Heritage Center. I guess the Sherwood Historical Society still has some work to do before its efforts get appreciated by the outside world!
Monday, March 14, 2005
Businessman Discusses Smock House
Ty Richard's Folks in East Texas. Note the Twin Front Doors.
Sherwood Rotarian Ty Richards inspected Smock house today. He said there were many things about the building that reminded him of his family home in New Summerfield, Texas.
Friday, March 11, 2005
Lewis & Clark Reenactment
A Genuine Mountain Man Warns of Pitfalls.
Sherwood Historical Society President June Reynolds is also a teacher at the local high school. This afternoon she led a group of her students on a treck through Sherwood's Stella Olsen Park. It was supposed to be a reenactment of the Lewis and Clark journey. However, thanks to the unseasonally warm weather Oregon has enjoyed these past few days, the kids missed out on the never ending wind and rain enjoyed by the original Corps of Discovery.
The Corps of Discovery Undaunted.
Friday, March 04, 2005
Another Building Goes Down
To many of us, the demolition of the cannery site is a welcome and long-overdue resolution to a long debate between the City of Sherwood and the site's owners. However, our hearts did go out to Sherwood resident Don Balsiger, who was seen photographing the cannery office as it came down Friday, March 4. "I hadn't been on the second floor since our family lived up there in 1938." Don said. The demolition contractor gave Don access to the building before work commenced, and so Don was at least able to experience some level of closure. While the building was coming down, he kept pointing out features of the building-- including a hidden stairwell-- that no one except a member of his family would have cared about or noticed. Ah well. As we used to say during the 1950's, "That's Progress."
Save Our Historical Landmarks!
1920-21 School Year at Sherwood Elementary School, Sherwood Oregon
The Sherwood Foundation for the Arts and Humanities is Raising $2.5 Million to Save This Landmark in Old Sherwood Town. See the full report in the Portland Oregonian.
The citizens of Tualatin are also getting up in arms about their historic buildings. Last month four of us Sherwood Historical Society folks went to hear the Mayor of Tualatin praise the Tualatin Historical Society for their efforts to save an historic church. The city has earmarked matching funds for the project. Just down the road, another Tulatin building which we know as "Rich's Kitchen" is slated for the wrecking ball. Contact for more information. To help save the Sherwood School house, contact
March - April Quilt Show
Call the Heritage Center for more information (503)625-1236.
Thursday, March 03, 2005
Morback House features the Sherwood Historical Museum. Museum hours are Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday, 1:00 to 4:00 PM.
Musicians on Morback Porch --March 2005
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Blog Archive
- History Camp for Kids! June 27 to 30
- Then and Now: Pacific Highway (US 99W)
- Old Family, Famous Friends
- Then and Now: Edy Road
- Then and Now: Tualatin Sherwood Road
- Then and Now: Middleton Road
- Cruisin' Sherwood
- Oregon Trail Days
- Don't Open until 2025 !
- Smock Scammed Again!
- More About the Sherwood Gunfight!